Quite often when I work on a page it takes a while before it forms into a theme or an idea. This page started out by me using a book from the library that I had been gifted when I worked over in Boston Library. I'm not sure what the language is but I love the patterning it makes across the page. That was my starting point.
Then I painted a wash of pale blue and a mid green after I had a attached a small segment of branches. To that I added a stamped image of a heart which I haven't really used. In fact, journalling has given me the excuse to use my rubber stamps again.
The next stage was adding a landscape; adding grass using paint and gel pens and creating more of a tree. Then I embellished the stamped image using the Sakura Gelli Roll Glaze pens. They are lovely to work with and add a slight sheen, as though you used a fine tip varnish pen if ever there was such a thing.
Finally, I added a self portrait, which I have to say makes me look a little manic but hey, then added a the writing last. It's a bit of a shame the second half of the phrase couldn't be picked up by the camera. Next time I will be aware not to use a metallic pen.