Saturday 11 August 2012

Adventures in Paperland - drying time

Well those lovely hearts took about 3 days to dry in the blazing sun.  On the first day of drying they looked rather grey and I was worried I wouldn't get my usual milky white handmade paper.

I got 16 hearts out of the pulp I made so I consider that pretty good going and quite economical.

During day one, I had a brain storm.  Just in case they did come out grey in colour I wanted to try and embellish them somehow.  I considered using a little food colouring around the edges, but then decided that this would be too harsh.  Then I remembered I had some large print Mill & Boon books which I could use.

I tore out a couple of pages and looked for little phrases I could use.  I wish I'd taken my time to consider the words, but like everything when I create it moves, flows, adapts.  The first few were given obvious phrases like 'Congratulation' and 'sealed with a kiss' and 'My friend' then my eye picked up more ethereal connections such as 'a mountain stream exists in memory', imaginary companions' and 'wild flowers up a mountain path'

I'm considering doing a giveaway if they turn out alright.

My favourite heart is the one above, it reminds me of my brother who loved everything about steam engines.  Here's the last picture he painted.


to be continued

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